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張貼者 教務主任   

張貼日期: 2020-05-05 08:40:49  點閱:381

News LunchBoxhttps://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox.php?&mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

Girl Skateboard Champ

Can you imagine being only 12-years-old … but you're standing on a stage as
a champion! You just won a medal for being one of the world's best
skateboarders! 你能想像....12歲就成為世界上最棒的滑板手!?
Wow...How cool does that sound?

Well, for one kid, that dream could be really close to coming true.

The kid I'm talking about is Sky Brown. She's 12 years old, and she hopes to
win a medal for skateboarding!
Yeah! Skateboarding! Do you know how to skateboard? 你會玩滑板嗎? I have
tried before, and I'm not very good. It's very difficult!

But Sky Brown is amazing on a skateboard! She has already won lots of
competitions in the United Kingdom - which is also called the UK. But Sky
Brown says she's ready to show the whole world what she can do.

She started skateboarding when she was just 4 years old! 她四歲就開始溜滑板!

She says she first learned by watching videos on YouTube, but then she said
she asked her dad to show her a trick that she could do on a skateboard.

After her dad helped her, Sky started skateboarding and surfing every day …
and today, she's better than many adult professionals!

Sky says if you love something, go for it!

She says you can study so many things online, but if you want to be a
champion, you have to practice … a lot! 可以從

Sky loves surfing, dancing, skateboarding … and she's even learning how to
play the guitar. 她喜歡衝浪、 跳舞 、溜滑板 ,現在也在學吉他。

What a great example for all of us!

Keep learning! Keep trying new things! Keep practicing ...and never say never!



A champion is someone who has beaten all others in a contest.

1) Champion冠軍。Usain Bolt is an Olympic champion in

2) Win贏得。She's hoping to win a gold medal in
boxing.她希望獲得拳擊賽的金牌。We won the biggest prize! 我們得到最大獎!

3) Dance跳舞。You like dancing, don't you?你很喜歡跳舞,對不對? Oh yes, I
practice every day.是的,我每天都練習。

4) Practice練習。How long do I need to practice playing the piano?
我需要練習彈鋼琴多久? One hour every day.每天一小時。

5) Dream夢想。I dreamed of being a pilot. Not anymore.

These words are useful! Let's read them again. Champion冠軍 win贏得
dance跳舞 practice練習 dream夢想



1. What sport does Sky Brown want to win a medal for?
A: Race car driving
B: Sleeping
C: Skateboarding

2. How old was Sky Brown when she first started skateboarding?
A: About 4 years old
B: About 40 years old
C: About 2 days old

3. What do you need to do if you want to be a champion?
A: Eat more pizza and watch more TV
B: Play games on your phone and take more naps
C: Learn as much as possible … and practice, practice, practice!!!


1: C 2: A 3: C

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