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張貼者 教務主任   

張貼日期: 2020-05-14 11:35:22  點閱:462

No New Emojis in 2021

(SFX: cell phone taps) … Waving hand, smiley face, smiley face, love heart,
laughing, wink, wink.
Oh hey! Sorry! I was just sending a message using my mobile phone. (SFX: sent
message swoosh) Those were emojis I was adding at the end, I like to add
emojis to messages sometimes for fun!
Emojis 就是表情符號. There are so many cute and funny emojis to choose from.
有超多emoji可以選喔! And there is an emoji for just about anything! There are
sad ones, happy ones, thumbs up, thumbs down, dogs, cats, (speeding up)
trees, bananas, hamburgers, clowns, police cars, helicopters … Ah! There are
just too many to list them all! 甚麼表情符號都有!
(whispering) There's even a poop emoji! (SFX: Splat)
Even with so many emojis to choose from, more and more get added every year.
每年還是會加一大堆新的 emojis.
But bad news, everyone. Just like a lot of places in the world, the company
that creates new emojis has stopped work! 做emoji的公司停工了!They stopped
work because everyone is staying home to protect themselves from the new
coronavirus. So that means we won't have any new emojis next year, in the
year 2021. 所以2021年不會有新的表情符號!
But don't worry too much, there are 117 emojis being released this year, and
we still have not seen all of them. Some of the new ones this year include
people hugging, ninjas, and bubble tea! 今年新emoji還沒完全出完。
Some people might be sad about next year, but the important thing is that
everyone stays safe, healthy, and takes care of each other.
And besides, there are already so many emojis to choose from anyway!
現在已經很多emoji了!Which is your favorite? And what new emojis do you think
there'll be in the future? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


It's hard to make a decision if you have a lot of things to choose from.
1. Choose選擇。Which one do you like, white, black or gold?
你喜歡哪一個,白的,黑的還是金色的? I'll choose the white one.我選白色的。He
chose chocolate, not ice cream. 他選了巧克力,沒有選冰淇淋。
2. Cute可愛的。What a cute puppy! 好可愛的小狗!
3. Thumbs up 贊成, thumbs down 反對,thumb大拇指。
4. Protect保護。Face masks can protect us from catching a
cold.口罩可以保護我們不要傳染感冒。Sunglasses protect your eyes from UV
5. Healthy健康的。Healthy people don't get sick easily.健康的人不容易生病。
我們來讀一遍這些字。Choose選擇 cute可愛的 thumb大拇指 protect保護


1. There will be no new what in 2021?
a. Ice cream flavors
b. Books
c. Emojis

2. Why did work have to stop?
a. Because the weather was bad
b. Because they ran out of ideas
c. Because of coronavirus

3. What new emoji are we still getting this year?
a. Bubbles
b. Bubble tea
c. Bubble bath


1: c 2:c 3:b

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