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張貼者 教務主任   

張貼日期: 2020-05-22 10:09:39  點閱:499


Flamingo Friendships

Do you have friends? Of course you do.

People need other people. We need friends to help us, to share things with us
and sometimes ... we just need a friend to talk

And of course, there are also people we don't like so much.
當然也有我們不喜歡的人。Sometimes we just don't like someone … and maybe
they don't like us, either! That's OK … it's part of life.

But what about animals? Do wild animals make friends? 野生動物會交朋友嗎? The
answer for some animals is … "yes"!

Flamingos, 紅鶴, are big pink birds with large beaks, and very long, skinny
legs. 是一種粉紅色的鳥,也有很大的喙,很細很長的腿。

In the wild, you can see hundreds and hundreds of flamingos all bunched
together. 你會看到好幾百隻站在一起。

Scientists say they now understand that flamingos have groups of close
friends. And sometimes there are also flamingos that really don't like each
other. Just like people!

Just like people!

Some flamingos have lots of friends. And some are maybe a little shy, and
only have a few friends.

Sometimes a few boy flamingos will "hang out" sometimes a few girl flamingos
will spend time together, and sometimes it's a mixed group of boys and girls.

Flamingos can live for a long time, sometimes 40 or 50 years in the wild.
他們可以活四十到五十年。And that's a long time for an animal!

One reason they live longer could be because they have friends. Having
friends might help you live longer!

So try making a new friend today! Why? Because friends are good for you!



It's nice to share things with your friends, isn't it?

1. Share分享。Here, you can share this hamburger with
me.你可以跟我分享這個漢堡。My brother and I shared a room for

2. Talk to講話。Everyone needs someone to talk to.
每個人都需要談話的對象。Are you talking to me? 你在跟我講話嗎? Yes, I

3. Pink粉紅色。Have you been in the sun? Your face is
pink.你曬了太陽嗎?你的臉是粉紅的。No, I just climbed up the stairs.

4. Together一起。My friend Amy and I do everything together.

5. Animal動物。You can see different kinds of wild animals at national parks.

這些單字很常用喔,我們讀一遍。Share分享 talk to講話 pink粉紅色
together一起 animal動物



1: What are flamingos?
A. Big pink monkeys
B. Small purple butterflies
C. Big pink birds

2: How long can some flamingos live in the wild?
A. 40 or maybe 50 years
B. 300 or maybe 500 years
C. 2 or maybe 4 years

3: Why should we make friends?
A. Because friends are good for you! They can even help you live longer!
B. Because flamingos are pink and delicious!
C. Because I like pizza and ice cream


1: C 2: A 3: A

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